Saturday, August 29, 2009

Here's to Great Dads!

Often times Moms will come along with our seniors on their special shoots. But very seldom do we see Dads participate. Here's to all the Great Dads that go out on the limb (or a rock) to be a part of our lives. "Thanks for always being there"


  1. Thank goodness most of the camera time was spent on the better looking subject ... Ashley. I had a great time hanging out with you Hue, and thanks for letting (little) Ki help some too. Can't wait to see the "finished product".
    Ki (The Dad balancing on the rocks)

  2. It was a Kodak moment (actually a Canon moment).
    I had to do it Ki, sorry. Thanks for signing up as a follower. Like I said, "good to see dads participate"
    "HI" to little Ki.


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